Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Motive Of The Cia Or Mob Or Any Group - 1806 Words

There’s no credible evidence that the CIA or mob or any group was involved in the assassination, nothing! (There is circumstantial evidence, apparent flaws in the case, and seemingly convincing evidence.) Three people can keep a secret, but only if two are dead. Not one word, not one syllable has leaked out. Why? Because there’s nothing to leak out! (Hmm...) There is no evidence that Oswald ever had any association or connection with any of these groups. (Again, there is CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE, as presented in MANY books!) Oswald’s rifle, a 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was determined by the firearms experts to be the murder weapon. That means that the murder weapon that shot and killed John F. Kennedy was owned and possessed by Lee Harvey Oswald. (This is true, Oswald did own the rifle, but that technically doesn’t mean by all accounts he shot JFK. By the way, just an FWI, Oswald’s rifle was a 6.5 mm Carcano carbine. Its always improperly called â€Å"Mannlicher-Carcano†.) After the shooting in Dealey Plaza, Oswald was the only worker at the Book Depository building who fled the building. (This is not true at all. The record has been clear for many years that other TSBD employees were not accounted for after the shooting.) Lets assume that one of these groups did want to kill Kennedy. Oswald would have been one of the last people on the face of this earth who they would have gone to to do their bidding for them. (Critics of this case don’tShow MoreRelatedWho Is to Blame for JFKs Assassination?748 Words   |  3 Pagesemployed or influenced by any group to assassinate President Kennedy. It was taken into consideration the issue of when Oswald lived in the Soviet Union. Also him having contact with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and his visits to Cuban and Soviet Embassies in Mexico City while in Mexico. After looking into these issues, Commission came to the conclusion that Oswald did in fact act alone. Before they determined this, they looked into the assassin’s life and what his motives could have been. Oswald’sRead MoreJFK Assasination Conspiracy Theories Essay3168 Words   |  13 Pagesshooter but I think Oswald never even pulled the trigger. Oswald was just an easy mark to pin the crime on, he was set up, most likely by the CIA who he was speculated to be a member of. This topic has long interested me since I was a little kid. I would always ask why our government would lie about how and why JFK was killed, it did not make any sense to me and still doesnt. The only real logical reasoning is that the government was and is still trying to cover possibly one of theRead MoreThe Assassination Of John F. Kennedy3922 Words   |  16 PagesBelieve JFK Killed in a Conspiracy) In the assassination of JFK, the evidence points toward the conclusion that a conspiracy to assassinate the President of the United States by Lyndon B. Johnson, carried out by Lee Harvey Oswald and covered up by the CIA, is the only way to explain the events that preceded and followed the assassination of John F. Kennedy. In order to find out who was truly behind JFK’s assassination, one must first understand the social and political climate of the early 1960’s. AtRead MoreBook 1984 Analysis: Conspiracies in the US, John F. Kennedy1438 Words   |  6 Pages A conspiracy is a â€Å"secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful† (Conspiracy.). One of the most conspiracy filled events in history just happens to be the John F. Kennedy assassination. Some ideas are way out there, but others sound like they might have at least a hint of truth in them. The book 1984, relates to a few of these schemes of how and such an event would happen, but even more importantly how it was covered up. In the book they were masterminds at covering up events andRead MoreThe Assassination of John F. 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